A Few Words from Lauren of Heavenly Creature Records about HEAVENLY SAMPLER / VOL I
“The order didn’t really matter to me,” admitted Lauren Thomson, founder of Scottish record label heavenly creature records, when asked about their apparently quite casually curated compilation HEAVENLY SAMPLER / VOL I, “but I think it flows well and closes on a warm note.”
“I think we’ve created a community and some genuine friendships through the label, so all of the tracks are connected in that sense,” they told Wormbrain, on the thread that ties the dozen bedroom punk tracks on heavenly creature's first label sampler. The little indie label that can and does from Thomson’s place in Scotland hasn’t even been on the scene for a full year yet, but their stamp on the worldwide digital scene is evident already, with a strong discography of releases from The Big Small Boy, towhead, Spank Hair, and others found on the HEAVENLY SAMPLER / VOL I tracklist.
Have you ever dreamt that you were waiting in line to see Macseal, Jeff Rosenstock, There Will Be Fireworks, american poetry club, and Big Thief play a fantasy festival? Well, then the HEAVENLY SAMPLER / VOL I was definitely the compact disc a kind stranger passed you in the venue parking lot that you found again in your pocket the next day, discovering your new favorite local band and changing your life… in that dream.
In addition to the original albums released by heavenly creature, they are also making themselves known through tribute compilations organization covers from across genres and scenes, the most recent of which is their Cover Makes Me A Modern Girl salute to Sleater-Kinney, which miraculously dropped digitally the day after the label’s own HEAVENLY SAMPLER / VOL I and neither pay-what-you-can triumph of community should overshadow the other.
This touch of paying tribute to influences finds its way onto the sampler too, as Thomson tells us, “I wanted to include a few covers from our compilations for that exact reason; to showcase friends records music for mutual aid.” The label’s latest sampler and riot covers compilation are raising proceeds for Girls Rock School.
If the first volume is any indication of what else heavenly creatures has in store, then Wormbrain World says to turn it up.
“I think we’ve created a community and some genuine friendships through the label...”
Wormbrain World had the chance to ask Lauren Thomson to say a few words about their record label, their new sampler, each of the songs on it, and the organization they’ve chosen to donate its proceeds to. Here is what they said:
LT: Nice noise.
W.W: 1. “Tony Hawk” by Spank Hair
LT: Reminds me that I can't ollie.
W.W: 2. “I Feel Better” by Frog Costume
LT: Rest in peace Scott Hutchison.
W.W: 3. “Blue Baby” by Birchwood Ave.
LT: Blue lakes and long summer nights.
W.W: 4. "Cars” by Yail
LT: Gary Numan after chewing 5 gum.
W.W: 5. “Movies About Dinosaurs” by No, it's Fine.
LT: A very dear friend and collaborator.
W.W: 6. “Bus Stop” by Gossiper
LT: Walking home during spring. 4:30pm.
W.W: 7. “howard ratner joker mode” by Leonardo DiVorcio
LT: This is how I win.
W.W: 8. “The International Tweexcore Underground” by american poetry club
LT: The sound of community and friendship.
W.W: 9. “kill sometime” by Loup Havenith
LT: Crispy orange leaves in October.
W.W: 10. “Queen Bee” by The Big Small Boy
LT: Scottish accents, yellow, stripes.
W.W: 11. “Flip The Tables” by Gossiper
LT: Driving to Dundee down the A90.
W.W: 12. “moonspots” by towhead
LT: My grandma's home baking.
W.W: Heavenly Creature Records
LT: The reason why my room is messy.
W.W: Girls Rock School
LT: Something I wish I did as a kid.
W.W: What is Wormbrain?
LT: Whatever you want it to be.
W.W: Thank you for sharing with Wormbrain.
heavenly creature records’ HEAVENLY SAMPLER / VOL I is available to stream and download digitally through Bandcamp now.